The Faces Project   an experiment in digitally manipulated self-portraiture
Beaned 1 

848859145208515532  Thursday, March 08, 2007

Animétion 1 

6134933867852384227  Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Synthesis 1 


Primaries 1 

108706787005195524  Saturday, June 12, 2004

Nebula 1.0 

108085912098495271  Thursday, April 01, 2004

Polarflip 4.0 


Conjoin 1.0 


Fresnel 1.0 


Colorado 1.0 

This one has a calm, dreamy effect; it's made with Auto Levels > Smart Blur > Cutout (8 levels) > Hue shift to Blue, then using the Selection tool to create a mask in the facial area. The image in the face is taken from a series of snapshots from a trip to the Southwest last summer - this one while heading South along the western edge of Colorado, through Navajo reservation territory.


Just D'Andy 

108068375426089635  Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Polarflip 2.0 

Polar coordinate transforms can produce surreal, rather disturbing facial contortions. This was created by desaturating the original image, applying the Difference Clouds filter, followed by the Distort > Polar Coordinates > Rectangular-to-Polar transform and a 90° CW Canvas Rotate.


Compel 2.0 

This is a rather simple image, created by using Trace Edges > Invert > Variations (several steps "more orange") > Extrude, using 10x30 pyramids.


LeftGaze: Violet 


PL's Ghost 1.0 


VeoMano 2.0 


VeoMano 1.0 


Polarflip 3.0 


Expansion 1.0 


Fear 1.0 


Compel 1.0 

One of the eerier Faces, created using multiple filtering steps. After desaturating the original image and applying blue Difference Clouds and 8-level Cutout effects, I used the selection tool to highlight a mask-shaped area of the face and hands. Application of Distort > Ocean Ripple produced a synthetic watery effect. After deselecting the areas, the entire image was Difference Cloud and Inverted several times to produce the final result.


Colorwall 1.0 

AKA the Blair Office Project: the only alteration here is a Glowing Edges filter on the non-face part of the image.


The Scream 1.0 

After a long Photoshopping session, it's easy to get a raging case of the Edvard Munchies. Autolevels > Increase Saturation > Cutout (8 levels) > Shear Transform.


Polarflip 1.0 


the faces

the facades

the flipsides

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License.

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The Faces Project  is a series of digitally processed self portraits generated using an Olympus W10 digital camera/recorder in 640x480 pixel webcam mode,