The Faces Project   an experiment in digitally manipulated self-portraiture
Nebula 1.0 

108085912098495271  Thursday, April 01, 2004

Polarflip 4.0 


Conjoin 1.0 


Fresnel 1.0 


Colorado 1.0 

This one has a calm, dreamy effect; it's made with Auto Levels > Smart Blur > Cutout (8 levels) > Hue shift to Blue, then using the Selection tool to create a mask in the facial area. The image in the face is taken from a series of snapshots from a trip to the Southwest last summer - this one while heading South along the western edge of Colorado, through Navajo reservation territory.


the faces

the facades

the flipsides

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License.

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The Faces Project  is a series of digitally processed self portraits generated using an Olympus W10 digital camera/recorder in 640x480 pixel webcam mode,